Source code for qnet_qsd

"""Top-level package for QNET-QSD."""

__version__ = '0.1.0'

import re
import random
import os
import logging
import struct
import shlex
from textwrap import dedent
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
import subprocess as sp

from qnet.algebra.scalar_types import SCALAR_TYPES
from qnet.algebra.abstract_algebra import (
        Operation, Expression, set_union, _scalar_free_symbols)
from qnet.algebra.hilbert_space_algebra import TrivialSpace, BasisNotSetError
from qnet.algebra.circuit_algebra import Circuit
from qnet.algebra.state_algebra import (
    Ket, LocalKet, BasisKet, CoherentStateKet, TensorKet,
    ScalarTimesKet, KetPlus
from qnet.algebra.operator_algebra import (
    IdentityOperator, Create, Destroy, LocalOperator,
    LocalSigma, ScalarTimesOperator, OperatorPlus, OperatorTimes)
from qnet.printing._ascii import QnetAsciiDefaultPrinter

from trajectorydata import TrajectoryData

    from sympy.printing.ccode import C89CodePrinter as CCodePrinter
except ImportError:
    from sympy.printing.ccode import CCodePrinter

# max unsigned int in C/C++ when compiled the same way as python
UNSIGNED_MAXINT = 2 ** (struct.Struct('I').size * 8 - 1) - 1

[docs]class QSDCCodePrinter(CCodePrinter): """A printer for converting SymPy expressions to C++ code, while taking into account pre-defined variable names for symbols""" def __init__(self, settings={}): self._default_settings['user_symbols'] = {} super(QSDCCodePrinter, self).__init__(settings=settings) self.known_symbols = dict(settings.get('user_symbols')) def _print_Symbol(self, expr): if expr in self.known_symbols: return self.known_symbols[expr] else: return super()._print_Symbol(expr)
[docs]def local_ops(expr): """Given a symbolic expression, extract the set of "atomic" operators (instances of :class:`~qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Operator`) occurring in that expression. The set is "atomic" in the sense that the operators are not algebraic combinations of other operators. """ if isinstance(expr, SCALAR_TYPES + (str,)): return set() elif isinstance(expr, (LocalOperator, IdentityOperator.__class__)): return set([expr]) elif isinstance(expr, Circuit): slh = expr.toSLH() Ls = slh.L.matrix.ravel().tolist() H = slh.H return set_union(*tuple(map(local_ops, Ls))) | local_ops(H) elif isinstance(expr, Expression): return set_union(*tuple(map(local_ops, expr.args))) else: raise TypeError(str(expr))
[docs]def find_kets(expr, cls=LocalKet): """Given a :class:`~qnet.algebra.state_algebra.Ket` instance, return the set of :class:`~qnet.algebra.state_algebra.LocalKet` instances contained in it. """ if isinstance(expr, SCALAR_TYPES + (str,)): return set() elif isinstance(expr, cls): return set([expr]) elif isinstance(expr, Expression): finder = partial(find_kets, cls=cls) return set_union(*tuple(map(finder, expr.args))) else: raise TypeError(str(expr.__class__.__name__))
[docs]class QSDOperator(object): """Encapsulation of a QSD (symbolic) Operator, containing all information required to instantiate that operator and to use it in C++ code expressions. All arguments set the corresponding properties. Examples: >>> A0 = QSDOperator('AnnihilationOperator', 'A0', '(0)') >>> Ad0 = QSDOperator('Operator', 'Ad0', '= A0.hc()') """ known_types = [ 'AnnihilationOperator', 'FieldTransitionOperator', 'IdentityOperator', 'Operator'] def __init__(self, qsd_type, name, instantiator): self._type = None self._name = None self._instantiator = None self.qsd_type = qsd_type.strip() = name.strip() self.instantiator = instantiator.strip() def __key(self): return (self._type, self._name, self._instantiator) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__key() == other.__key() def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__key()) def __repr__(self): return "{cls}{args}".format(cls=self.__class__.__name__, args=str(self.__key())) @property def qsd_type(self): """QSD object type, i.e., name of the C++ class. See :attr:`known_types` class attribute for allowed type names """ return self._type @qsd_type.setter def qsd_type(self, value): if value not in self.known_types: raise ValueError( "Type '%s' must be one of %s" % (value, self.known_types)) self._type = value @property def name(self): """The name of the operator object. Must be a valid C++ variable name. """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): if not re.match(r'\w[\w\d]+', value): raise ValueError("Name '%s' is not a valid C++ variable name" % value) self._name = value @property def instantiator(self): """String that instantiates the operator object. This must either be the constructor arguments of the operator's QSD class, or a C++ expression (starting with an equal sign) that initializes the object """ # strip out leading space for ' = ..' return self._instantiator.strip() @instantiator.setter def instantiator(self, value): if value[0] not in ['=', '(']: raise ValueError(("Instantiator '%s' does not start with '=' " "(assignement instantiation) or '" "(' (constructor instantiation)") % value) if (value.startswith('(') and not value.endswith(')')): raise ValueError("Instantiator '%s' does not end with ')'" % value) if value.startswith('='): # ensure that '=' is surrounded by spaces value = ' = ' + value[1:].strip() self._instantiator = value @property def instantiation(self): """Complete line of C++ code that instantiates the operator Example: >>> A0 = QSDOperator('AnnihilationOperator', 'A0', '(0)') >>> print(A0.instantiation) AnnihilationOperator A0(0); """ return '{_type} {_name}{_instantiator};'.format(**self.__dict__) def __len__(self): return 3
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Split :obj:`QSDOperator` into a tuple. Example: >>> A0 = QSDOperator('AnnihilationOperator', 'A0', '(0)') >>> qsd_type, name, instantiator = A0 """ return iter((self.qsd_type,, self.instantiator))
[docs] def __str__(self): """The string representation of an operator is simply its name Example: >>> A0 = QSDOperator('AnnihilationOperator', 'A0', '(0)') >>> assert(str(A0) == str( """ return str(
[docs]class QSDCodeGenError(Exception): """Exception raised for missing data in a :obj:`QSDCodeGen` instance""" pass
[docs]class QSDCodeGen(object): """Class that allows to generate a QSD program for QNET expressions, and to run the program to (accumulative) collect expectation values for observables Parameters: circuit (:obj:`~qnet.algebra.circuit_algebra.SLH`): The circuit to be simulated via QSD. num_vals (dict of :obj:`~sympy.core.symbol.Symbol` to float)): Numeric value for any symbol occurring in the `circuit`, or any operator/state that may be added later on. time_symbol (None or :obj:`~sympy.core.symbol.Symbol`): symbol to denote the time dependence in the Hamiltonian (usually `t`). If None, the Hamiltonian is time-independent. Attributes: circuit (:class:`~qnet.algebra.circuit_algebra.SLH`): see `circuit` parameter time_symbol (None or :obj:`~sympy.core.symbol.Symbol`): see `time_symbol` parameter syms (set of :obj:`~sympy.core.symbol.Symbol`): The set of symbols used either in the circuit, any of the observables, or the initial state, excluding `time_symbol` num_vals (dict of :obj:`~sympy.core.symbol.Symbol` to float)): Map of symbols to numeric value. Must specify a value for any symbol in `syms`. traj_data (:obj:`~qnet.misc.trajectory_data.TrajectoryData`): The accumulated trajectory data. Every time the :meth:`run`, respectively the :meth:`run_delayed` method is called, the resulting trajectory data is incorporated. Thus, by repeatedly calling :meth:`run` (followed by :meth:`run_delayed` if ``delay=True``), an arbitrary number of trajectories may be accumulated in `traj_data`. """ known_steppers = ['Order4Step', 'AdaptiveStep', 'AdaptiveJump', 'AdaptiveOrthoJump'] _template = dedent(r''' #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include <cmath> #include "Complex.h" #include "ACG.h" #include "CmplxRan.h" #include "State.h" #include "Operator.h" #include "FieldOp.h" #include "Traject.h" {PARAMETERS} {FUNCTIONS} int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {{ unsigned int rndSeed; if (argc != 2){{ std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " SEED" << std::endl; std::exit(1); }} else {{ if(sscanf(argv[1], "%u", &rndSeed) != 1){{ std::cout << "ERROR: Could not read SEED" << std::endl; std::exit(1); }} else {{ std::cout << "Using rnd seed: " << rndSeed << std::endl; }} }} // Primary Operators {OPERATORBASIS} // Hamiltonian {HAMILTONIAN} // Lindblad operators {LINDBLADS} // Observables {OBSERVABLES} // Initial state {INITIAL_STATE} // Trajectory {TRAJECTORY} }}''').strip() _max_op_name_length = 16 _lib_qsd = 'libqsd.a' # expected name of qsd library _link_qsd = '-lqsd' # compiler option to link qsd _sort_str = QnetAsciiDefaultPrinter().doprint def __init__(self, circuit, num_vals=None, time_symbol=None): self.circuit = circuit.toSLH() self.time_symbol = time_symbol self.num_vals = {} self.traj_data = None self._psi_initial = None self._traj_params = {} self._moving_params = {} # Set of sympy.core.symbol.Symbol instances self.syms = set(circuit.all_symbols()) self.syms.discard(self.time_symbol) # Mapping symbol => variable name (sanitized) self._var_names = {} if self.time_symbol is not None: # it is important to register the time symbol before any other # symbols, to detect possible name clashes self._var_names[self.time_symbol] = 't' self._update_var_names() # The add_observable and set_trajectories methods may later extend syms # and _var_names # Set of qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Operator, all "atomic" # operators required in the code generation self._local_ops = local_ops(self.circuit) # The add_observable and set_trajectories methods may later extend this # set self._full_space = self._local_spaces = self._full_space.local_factors self._hilbert_space_index = { space: index for (index, space) in enumerate(self._local_spaces)} # Dict name => tuple(qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Operator, outfile) self._observables = OrderedDict() # Managed via the add_observable method # Mapping QNET Operator => QSDOperator for every operator in # self._local_ops. This is kept as an ordered dictionary, such that the # instantiation of an operator may refer to a previously defined # operator self._qsd_ops = OrderedDict() self._update_qsd_ops(self._local_ops) # The add_observable and set_trajectories methods may later extend this # mapping # Mapping QNET Ket => QSD state name (str) for "atomic" states # (instances of LocalKet and TensorKet) self._qsd_states = {} # This is set in the _define_atomic_kets method # The following are set by the compile method to allow for delayed (or # remote) compilation. These are stored in "unexpanded" form, i.e. # possibly including environment variables. These will only be expanded # by the compilation_worker, possibly on a remote system self._executable = None # name of the executable self._path = None # folder for executable (unexpanded) self._compile_cmd = None # list of command arguments (unexpanded) self._keep_cc = None # delete C++ file after compilation? # _executable will remain None until the compile method has finished # without error. Thus, only _executable should be used to check whether # the compile method has been called. if num_vals is not None: self.num_vals.update(num_vals) # when the `run` method is called with `delay=True`, the `kwargs` # dictionary is appended to the following list. A call to `run_delayed` # may then process the whole list in parallel self._delayed_runs_kwargs = [] # We also cache the 'seed' of each kwargs in _delayed_runs_kwargs self._delayed_seeds = [] # for any time-dependent coefficient, we keep # coeff => (time-function-name, time-function-placehold, is_real) # in a dictionary self._tfuncs = {} @property def observables(self): """Iterator over all defined observables (instances of :obj:`~qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Operator`) """ return iter([op for (op, fn) in self._observables.values()]) @property def observable_names(self): """Iterator of all defined observable names (str)""" return iter(self._observables.keys()) @property def compile_cmd(self): """Command to be used for compilation (after :meth:`compile` method has been called). Environment variables and '~' are not expanded""" if self._executable is None: return '' else: return _cmd_list_to_str(self._compile_cmd)
[docs] def get_observable(self, name): """Return the observable for the given name (instance of :obj:`~qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Operator`), according to the mapping defined by :meth:`add_observable`""" return self._observables[name][0]
def _update_qsd_ops(self, operators): """Update :attr:`self._qsd_ops` to that every operator in operators is mapped to an appropriate :obj:`QSDOperator`. The names of the operators are chosen automatically based on the operator type and the index of the Hilbert space they act in. For a Hilbert space index ``k``, the operators names are chosen as follows:: IdentityOperator => Id Create => A{k} Destroy => Ad{k} LocalSigma |i><j| => S{k}_{i}_{j} Arguments: operators (iterable of :obj:`~qnet.operator_algebra.Operator`): list or set of operators for which to define :obj:`QSDOperator` instances. These operators must be "atomic", i.e. they must not be an algebraic combination of other operators. They must be in the Hilbert space of the circuit (otherwise, a ValueError is raised), and their Hilbert-space must be (a subspace of) the circuit Hilbert space (otherwise, a :exc:`BasisNotSetError` is raised) """ self._qsd_ops[IdentityOperator] = QSDOperator( qsd_type='Operator', name="Id", instantiator='= '+'*'.join([ "Id{k}".format(k=k) for k in range(len(self._hilbert_space_index))])) # In order to achieve stable output, we go through the operators in an # arbitrary, but well-defined order (sorting them according to their # string representation) for op in sorted(operators, key=self._sort_str): if not raise ValueError(("Operator '%s' is not in the circuit's " "Hilbert space") % str(op)) if is not TrivialSpace: if not raise BasisNotSetError( "The Hilbert space of the operator %s has no defined " "basis" % op) if isinstance(op, IdentityOperator.__class__): continue elif isinstance(op, (Create, Destroy)): a = Destroy( k = self._hilbert_space_index[] self._qsd_ops[a] = QSDOperator( qsd_type='AnnihilationOperator', name="A{k}".format(k=k), instantiator=('(%d)' % k)) ad = a.dag() self._qsd_ops[ad] = QSDOperator( qsd_type='Operator', name="Ad{k}".format(k=k), instantiator=('= A{k}.hc()'.format(k=k))) elif isinstance(op, LocalSigma): k = self._hilbert_space_index[] i = op.index_j j = op.index_k self._qsd_ops[op] = QSDOperator( qsd_type='FieldTransitionOperator', name="S{k}_{i}_{j}".format(k=k, i=i, j=j), instantiator='({ijk})'.format( ijk=','.join([str(n) for n in (i, j, k)]))) else: raise TypeError(str(op)) def _update_var_names(self): """Ensure that for every symbol, there is a var name in the cache""" used_vars = set(self._var_names.values()) for sym in self.syms: if sym not in self._var_names: var = sanitize_varname(str(sym)) if var in used_vars: raise ValueError("Cannot generate a unique variable name " "for symbol '%s'" % sym) else: self._var_names[sym] = var used_vars.add(var)
[docs] def add_observable(self, op, name=None): """Register an operator as an observable, together with a name that will be used in the header of the table of expectation values, and on which the name of the QSD output files will be based. Arguments: op (:obj:`~qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Operator`): Observable (does not need to be Hermitian) name (str or ``None``): Name of of the operator, to be used in the header of the output table. If ``None``, ``str(op)`` is used. Raises: ValueError: if `name` is invalid or too long, or no unique filename can be generated from `name` """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if name is None: name = str(op).strip() if not TrajectoryData._rx['op_name'].match(name): raise ValueError(("Operator name '%s' contains invalid " "characters") % name) if len(name) > self._max_op_name_length: raise ValueError("Operator name '%s' is longer than limit %d" % (name, self._max_op_name_length)) if name in self._observables: logger.warn("Overwriting existing operator '%s'", name) # It is necessary to delete the observable, otherwise the check for # unique filenames would be tripped del self._observables[name] filename = sanitize_filename(name) if (len(filename) == 0): raise ValueError("Cannot generate filename for operator " "%s. You must use a different name" % name) filename = filename + '.out' if filename in [fn for (__, fn) in self._observables.values()]: raise ValueError("Cannot generate unique filename for operator " "%s. You must use a different name" % name) op_local_ops = local_ops(op) self._local_ops.update(op_local_ops) self._update_qsd_ops(op_local_ops) self.syms.update(op.all_symbols()) self.syms.discard(self.time_symbol) self._update_var_names() self._observables[name] = (op, filename)
[docs] def set_moving_basis(self, move_dofs, delta=1e-4, width=2, move_eps=1e-4): """Activate the use of the moving basis, see Section 6 of the QSD Paper. Arguments: move_dofs (int): degrees of freedom for which to use a moving basis (the first 'move_dofs' freedoms are re-centered, and their cutoffs adjusted.) delta (float): probability threshold for the cutoff adjustment width (int): size of the "pad" for the cutoff move_eps (float): numerical accuracy with which to make the shift. Cf. ``shiftAccuracy`` in QSD ``State::recenter`` method Raises: ValueError: if `move_dofs` is invalid QSDCodeGenError: if requesting a moving basis for a degree of freedom for which any operator is defined that cannot be applied in the moving basis """ if move_dofs <= 0: raise ValueError("move_dofs must be an integer >0") elif move_dofs > len(self._local_spaces): raise ValueError("move_dofs must not be larger than the number " "of local Hilbert spaces") else: # Ensure that there are no LocalSigma operators for any of the # degrees of freedom that are part of the moving basis (LocalSigma # is mapped to FieldTransitionOperator in QSD, which is # incompatible with a moving basis) for op in self._local_ops: if isinstance(op, LocalSigma): k = self._hilbert_space_index[] if k < move_dofs: # '<', not '<=', because k counts from 0 raise QSDCodeGenError(( "A moving basis cannot be used for a degree of " "freedom that has local transition operators. " "Conflicting operator %s acts on Hilbert " "space %d<%d") % (op, k, move_dofs)) self._moving_params['move_dofs'] = move_dofs self._moving_params['delta'] = delta if move_dofs <= 0: raise ValueError("width must be an integer >0") self._moving_params['width'] = width self._moving_params['move_eps'] = move_eps
[docs] def set_trajectories( self, psi_initial, stepper, dt, nt_plot_step, n_plot_steps, n_trajectories, traj_save=10): """Set the parameters that control the trajectories from which a plot of expectation values for the registered observables will be generated. Arguments: psi_initial (:obj:`~qnet.algebra.state_algebra.Ket`): The initial state stepper (str): Name of the QSD stepper that should handle propagation of a single time step. See :attr:`known_steppers` for allowed values dt (float): The duration for a single propagation step. Note that the plot of expectation values will generally be on a coarser grid, as controlled by the ``set_plotting`` routine nt_plot_step (int): Number of propagation steps per plot step. That is, expectation values of the observables will be written out every `nt_plot_step` propagation steps n_plot_steps (int): Number of plot steps. The total number of propagation steps for each trajectory will be ``nt_plot_step * n_plot_steps``, and duration T of the entire trajectory will be ``dt * nt_plot_step * n_plot_steps`` n_trajectories (int): The number of trajectories over which to average for getting the expectation values of the observables traj_save (int): Number of trajectories to propagate before writing the averaged expectation values of all observables to file. This ensures that if the program is terminated before the calculation of ``n_trajectories`` is complete, the lost data is at most that of the last ``traj_save`` trajectories is lost. A value of 0 indicates that the values are to be written out only after completing all trajectories. """ self._psi_initial = psi_initial if isinstance(psi_initial, Operation): # all non-atomic instances of Ket are also instances of Operation psi_local_ops = local_ops(psi_initial) self._local_ops.update(psi_local_ops) self._update_qsd_ops(psi_local_ops) self.syms.update(psi_initial.all_symbols()) self.syms.discard(self.time_symbol) self._update_var_names() if stepper not in self.known_steppers: raise ValueError( "stepper '%s' must be one of %s" % (stepper, self.known_steppers)) self._traj_params['stepper'] = stepper self._traj_params['dt'] = dt self._traj_params['nt_plot_step'] = nt_plot_step self._traj_params['n_plot_steps'] = n_plot_steps self._traj_params['n_trajectories'] = n_trajectories self._traj_params['traj_save'] = traj_save
def _ordered_tensor_operands(self, state): """Return the operands of the given TensorKet instance ordered by their Hilbert space (using `self._hilbert_space_index`) This is necessary because in QNET, state carry a label for their Hilbert space, while in QSD they do not. Instead, in a Tensor product in QSD the order of the operands associates them with their Hilbert space. """ def sort_key(ket): return self._hilbert_space_index[] return sorted(state.operands, key=sort_key) def _define_atomic_kets(self, state, reset=True): """Find all "atomic" kets in the given state and register them in self._qsd_states. Return an array of lines of C++ code that defines the state in a QSD program. If reset is True, any existing entries in self._qsd_states are discarded. The "atomic" kets are instances of `LocalKet` or `TensorKet`, both of which require to be defined with their own name in QSD code """ if not == self._full_space: raise QSDCodeGenError(("State %s is not in the Hilbert " "space of the Hamiltonian") % state) lines = [] if reset: self._qsd_states = {} for (prfx, kets) in [ ('phiL', find_kets(state, cls=LocalKet)), ('phiT', find_kets(state, cls=TensorKet)) ]: for k, ket in enumerate(sorted(kets, key=self._sort_str)): # We go through the states in an arbitrary, but well-defined # order by sorting them according to str name = prfx + str(k) self._qsd_states[ket] = name N = if isinstance(ket, BasisKet): n = ket.index instantiation = '({N:d},{n:d},FIELD)'.format(N=N, n=n) comment = ' // HS %d' \ % self._hilbert_space_index[] elif isinstance(ket, CoherentStateKet): alpha = ket.ampl if alpha in self.syms: alpha_name = self._var_names[alpha] else: try: alpha = complex(ket.ampl) except TypeError: raise TypeError(( "CoherentStateKet amplitude %s is neither a " "known symbol nor a complex number") % alpha) alpha_name = name + '_alpha' lines.append('Complex {alpha}({re:g},{im:g});'.format( alpha=alpha_name, re=alpha.real, im=alpha.imag)) instantiation = '({N:d},{alpha},FIELD)'.format( N=N, alpha=alpha_name) comment = ' // HS %d' \ % self._hilbert_space_index[] elif isinstance(ket, TensorKet): operands = [self._ket_str(operand) for operand in self._ordered_tensor_operands(ket)] lines.append( "State {name}List[{n}] = {{{ketlist}}};" .format( name=name, n=len(operands), ketlist=", ".join(operands))) instantiation = '({n}, {name}List)'.format( n=len(operands), name=name) comment = ' // ' + " * ".join([ "HS %d" % self._hilbert_space_index[] for o in self._ordered_tensor_operands(ket)]) else: raise TypeError( "Cannot instantiate QSD state for type %s" % str(type(ket))) lines.append('State '+name+instantiation+';'+comment) return lines def _initial_state_lines(self, indent=2): if not isinstance(self._psi_initial, Ket): raise TypeError("Initial state must be a Ket instance") lines = self._define_atomic_kets(self._psi_initial) lines.append('') lines.append('State psiIni = '+self._ket_str(self._psi_initial)+';') lines.append('psiIni.normalize();') return "\n".join(_indent(lines, indent)) def _trajectory_lines(self, indent=2): try: self._traj_params['stepper'] except KeyError: raise QSDCodeGenError("No trajectories set up. Ensure that " "'set_trajectories' method has been called") lines = [ 'ACG gen(rndSeed); // random number generator', 'ComplexNormal rndm(&gen); // Complex Gaussian random numbers', '', 'double dt = {dt};', 'int dtsperStep = {nt_plot_step};', 'int nOfSteps = {n_plot_steps};', 'int nTrajSave = {traj_save};', 'int nTrajectory = {n_trajectories};', 'int ReadFile = 0;', '', '{stepper} stepper(psiIni, H, nL, L);', 'Trajectory traj(psiIni, dt, stepper, &rndm);', ''] if len(self._moving_params) > 0: lines.extend([ 'int move = {move_dofs};', 'double delta = {delta};', 'int width = {width};', 'double moveEps = {move_eps};', '', 'traj.sumExp(nOfOut, outlist, flist , dtsperStep, nOfSteps,', ' nTrajectory, nTrajSave, ReadFile, move,', ' delta, width, moveEps);' ]) else: lines.extend([ 'traj.sumExp(nOfOut, outlist, flist , dtsperStep, nOfSteps,', ' nTrajectory, nTrajSave, ReadFile);' ]) fmt_mapping = self._traj_params.copy() fmt_mapping.update(self._moving_params) rendered_lines = [line.format(**fmt_mapping) for line in lines] return "\n".join(_indent(rendered_lines, indent))
[docs] def generate_code(self): """Return C++ program that corresponds to the circuit as a multiline string""" return self._template.format( OPERATORBASIS=self._operator_basis_lines(), PARAMETERS=self._parameters_lines(indent=0), FUNCTIONS=self._function_lines( ops=[self.circuit.H, ], indent=0), HAMILTONIAN=self._hamiltonian_lines(), LINDBLADS=self._lindblads_lines(), OBSERVABLES=self._observables_lines(), INITIAL_STATE=self._initial_state_lines(), TRAJECTORY=self._trajectory_lines())
[docs] def write(self, outfile): """Write C++ program that corresponds to the circuit""" with open(outfile, 'w') as out_fh: out_fh.write(self.generate_code()) out_fh.write("\n")
[docs] def compile( self, qsd_lib, qsd_headers, executable='qsd_run', path='.', compiler='g++', compile_options='-O2', delay=False, keep_cc=False, remote_apply=None): """Compile into an executable Arguments: qsd_lib (str): full path to the file ``libqsd.a`` containing the statically compiled QSD library. May reference environment variables the home directory ('~') qsd_headers (str): path to the folder containing the QSD header files. May reference environment variables the home directory ('~') executable (str): name of executable to which the QSD program should be compiled. Must consist only of letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores only path (str): The path to the folder where executable will be generated. May reference environment variables the home directory ('~') compiler (str): compiler executable compile_options (str): options to pass to the compiler delay (bool): Deprecated, must be False keep_cc (bool): If True, keep the C++ code from which the executable was compiled. It will have the same name as the executable, with an added '.cc' file extension. remote_apply (callable or None): If not None, ``remote_apply(compilation_worker, kwargs)`` must call :func:`compilation_worker` on any remote node. Typically, this might point to the `apply` method of an ``ipyparallel`` View instance. The `remote_apply` argument should only be given if :meth:`run_delayed` will be called with an argument `map` that will push the calculation of a trajectory to a remote node. Raises: ValueError: if `executable` name or `qsd_lib` are invalid subprocess.CalledProcessError: if compilation fails """ if delay: raise DeprecationWarning( "`delay` will be removed in future versions") logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) executable = str(executable) self._path = str(path) self._keep_cc = keep_cc if not re.match(r'^[\w-]{1,128}$', executable): if len(executable) > 128: raise ValueError("Executable name too long") else: raise ValueError("Invalid executable name '%s'" % executable) self._compile_cmd = self._build_compile_cmd( qsd_lib, qsd_headers, executable, self._path, compiler, compile_options) kwargs = { 'executable': executable, 'path': self._path, 'cc_code': self.generate_code(), 'keep_cc': self._keep_cc, 'cmd': self._compile_cmd} if remote_apply is None: if not os.path.isdir(_full_expand(qsd_headers)): logger.warn("Header directory "+qsd_headers+" does not exist") if not os.path.isfile(_full_expand(qsd_lib)): logger.warn("File "+qsd_lib+" does not exist") try: compilation_worker(kwargs) except sp.CalledProcessError as exc_info: logger.error( "command '{cmd:s}' failed with code {code:d}" .format( cmd=self._compile_cmd, code=int(exc_info.returncode))) raise else: remote_apply(compilation_worker, kwargs) # We set the executable only at the very end so that we can use it as # an indicator whether the compile method is complete self._executable = executable
def _build_compile_cmd( self, qsd_lib, qsd_headers, executable, path, compiler, compile_options): # For debugging purposes, it can be useful to call # _cmd_list_to_str(_build_compile_cmd(...)) # instead of the compile method link_dir, libqsd_a = os.path.split(qsd_lib) cc_file = executable + '.cc' if not libqsd_a == self._lib_qsd: raise ValueError("qsd_lib "+qsd_lib+" does not point to a " "file of the name "+self._lib_qsd) return ( [compiler, ] + shlex.split(compile_options) + ['-I%s' % qsd_headers, '-o', executable, cc_file] + ['-L%s' % link_dir, self._link_qsd])
[docs] def run(self, seed=None, workdir=None, keep=False, delay=False): """Run the QSD program. The :meth:`compile` method must have been called before `run`. If :meth:`compile` was called with ``delay=True``, compile at this point and run the resulting program. Otherwise, just run the existing program from the earlier compilation. The resulting directory data is returned, and in addition the `traj_data` attribute is updated to include the new trajectories (in addition to any previous trajectories) The `run` method may be called repeatedly to accumulate trajectories. Arguments: seed (int): Random number generator seed (unsigned integer), will be passed to the executable as the only argument. workdir (str or None): The directory in which to (temporarily) create the output files. If None, a temporary directory will be used. Otherwise, the `workdir` must exist. Environment variables and '~' will be expanded. keep (bool): If True, keep QSD output files inside `workdir`. delay (bool): If True, schedule the run to be performed at a later point in time, when the :meth:`run_delayed` routine is called. Returns: qnet.misc.trajectory_data.TrajectoryData: Averaged data obtained from the newly simulated trajectories only. None if `delay=True`. Raises: QSDCodeGenError: if :meth:`compile` was not called OSError: if creating/removing files/folders fails subprocess.CalledProcessError: if delayed compilation fails or executable returns with non-zero exit code ValueError: if seed is not unique Note: The only way to run multiple trajectories in parallel is by giving ``delay=True``. After preparing an arbitrary number of trajectories by repeated calls to :meth:`run`. Then :meth:`run_delayed` must be called with a `map` argument that supports parallel execution. """ if self._executable is None: raise QSDCodeGenError("Call compile method first") if self.traj_data is not None: seed_in_record = ( (seed in self.traj_data.record_seeds) or (seed in self._delayed_seeds)) if seed_in_record: raise ValueError( "Seed %d already in record or in delayed run" % seed) if seed is None: seed = random.randint(0, UNSIGNED_MAXINT) # ensure we don't reuse an existing or schedules seed seed_in_record = ( (seed in self.traj_data.record_seeds) or (seed in self._delayed_seeds)) while seed_in_record: seed = random.randint(0, UNSIGNED_MAXINT) if delay: while seed in self._delayed_seed: seed = random.randint(0, UNSIGNED_MAXINT) kwargs = { 'executable': self._executable, 'keep': keep, 'path': self._path, 'seed': seed, 'workdir': workdir, 'operators': OrderedDict( [(name, fn) for (name, (__, fn)) in self._observables.items()]), } if delay: self._delayed_runs_kwargs.append(kwargs) self._delayed_seeds.append(kwargs['seed']) else: traj = qsd_run_worker(kwargs) if self.traj_data is None: self.traj_data = traj.copy() else: self.traj_data += traj return traj
[docs] def run_delayed(self, map=map, n_procs_extend=1, _run_worker=None): """Execute all scheduled runs (see `delay` option in :meth:`run` method), possibly in parallel. Arguments: map (callable): ``map(qsd_run_worker, list_of_kwargs)`` must be equivalent to ``[qsd_run_worker(kwargs) for kwargs in list_of_kwargs]``. Defaults to the builtin `map` routine, which will process the scheduled runs serially. n_procs_extend (int): Number of local processes to use when averaging over trajectories. Raises: TypeError: If `map` does not return a list of :class:`~qnet.misc.trajectory_data.TrajectoryData` instances. Note: Parallel execution is achieved by passing an appropriate `map` routine. For example, ``map=multiprocessing.Pool(5).map`` would use a local thread pool of 5 workers. Another alternative would be the `map` method of an ``ipyparallel`` View. If (and only if) the View connects remote IPython engines, :meth:`compile` must have been called with an appropriate `remote_apply` argument that compiled the QSD program on all of the remote engines. """ if _run_worker is None: _run_worker = qsd_run_worker trajs = [] try: trajs = list(map(_run_worker, self._delayed_runs_kwargs)) self._delayed_runs_kwargs = [] self._delayed_seeds = [] if self.traj_data is None: self.traj_data = trajs[0].copy() if len(trajs) > 1: self.traj_data.extend(*trajs[1:], n_procs=n_procs_extend) else: self.traj_data.extend(*trajs, n_procs=n_procs_extend) except (IndexError, TypeError, AttributeError): raise TypeError("`map ` does not return a list of TrajectoryData " "instances.") return trajs
def __str__(self): return self.generate_code() def _operator_basis_lines(self, indent=2): """Return a multiline string of C++ code that defines and initializes all operators in the system""" # QSD demands that we first define all "special" operators (instances # of classes derived from PrimaryOperator) before an instance of the # class Operator (algebraic combinations of other operators). # Therefore, we collect the lines for these two cases separately. special_op_lines = [] general_op_lines = [] for k in range(len(self._local_spaces)): special_op_lines.append("IdentityOperator Id{k}({k});".format(k=k)) for op in self._qsd_ops: # We assume that self._qsd_ops is an OrderedDict, so that # instantiations may refer to earlier operators line = self._qsd_ops[op].instantiation if line.startswith("Operator "): general_op_lines.append(line) else: special_op_lines.append(line) return "\n".join(_indent(special_op_lines + general_op_lines, indent)) def _parameters_lines(self, indent=2): """Return a multiline string of C++ code that defines all numerical constants""" self._update_var_names() # should be superfluous, but just to be safe lines = set() # sorting will happen at the very end lines.add("Complex I(0.0,1.0);") for s in list(self.syms): var = self._var_names[s] try: val = self.num_vals[s] except KeyError: raise KeyError(("There is no value for symbol %s in " "self.num_vals") % s) if s.is_real is True: if val.imag != 0: raise ValueError(("Value %s for %s is complex, but " "should be real") % (val, s)) lines.add("double {!s} = {:g};" .format(var, val.real)) else: lines.add("Complex {!s}({:g},{:g});" .format(var, val.real, val.imag)) return "\n".join(_indent(sorted(lines), indent)) def _observables_lines(self, indent=2): """Return a multiline string of C++ code that defines all observables""" lines = [] n_of_out = len(self._observables) lines.append('const int nOfOut = %d;' % n_of_out) outlist_lines = [] outfiles = [] if len(self._observables) < 1: raise QSDCodeGenError("Must register at least one observable") for (observable, outfile) in self._observables.values(): outlist_lines.append(self._operator_str(observable)) outfiles.append(outfile) lines.extend( ("Operator outlist[nOfOut] = {\n " + ",\n ".join(outlist_lines)) .split("\n")) lines.append("};") lines.append('char *flist[nOfOut] = {{{filenames}}};' .format(filenames=", ".join( [('"'+fn+'"') for fn in outfiles] ))) lines.append(r'int pipe[4] = {1,2,3,4};') return "\n".join(_indent(lines, indent)) def _operator_str(self, op): """For a given instance of ``qnet.algebra.operator_algebra.Operator``, recursively generate the C++ expression that will instantiate the operator. """ if isinstance(op, LocalOperator): return str(self._qsd_ops[op]) elif isinstance(op, ScalarTimesOperator): if op.coeff in self._tfuncs: func_placeholder = self._tfuncs[op.coeff][1] return "%s * (%s)" % (func_placeholder, self._operator_str(op.term)) else: return "(%s) * (%s)" % (self._scalar_str(op.coeff), self._operator_str(op.term)) elif isinstance(op, OperatorPlus): str_expr = " + ".join([self._operator_str(o) for o in op.operands]) return "(" + str_expr + ")" elif isinstance(op, OperatorTimes): str_expr = " * ".join([self._operator_str(o) for o in op.operands]) return "(" + str_expr + ")" elif op is IdentityOperator: return str(self._qsd_ops[op]) else: raise TypeError(str(op)) def _ket_str(self, ket): """For a given instance of ``qnet.algebra.state_algebra.Ket``, recursively generate the C++ expression that will instantiate the state. """ if isinstance(ket, (LocalKet, TensorKet)): return str(self._qsd_states[ket]) elif isinstance(ket, ScalarTimesKet): return "({}) * ({})".format( self._scalar_str(ket.coeff), self._ket_str(ket.term)) elif isinstance(ket, KetPlus): return "({})".format( " + ".join([self._ket_str(o) for o in ket.operands])) else: raise TypeError(str(ket)) def _scalar_str(self, sc, assign_to=None): ccode = QSDCCodePrinter(settings={'user_symbols': self._var_names}) return ccode.doprint(sc, assign_to=assign_to) def _hamiltonian_lines(self, indent=2): H = self.circuit.H return " "*indent + "Operator H = "+self._operator_str(H)+";" def _lindblads_lines(self, indent=2): lines = [] lines.append('const int nL = {nL};'.format(nL=self.circuit.cdim)) L_op_lines = [] for L_op in self.circuit.L.matrix.ravel(): L_op_lines.append(self._operator_str(L_op)) lines.extend( ("Operator L[nL]={\n " + ",\n ".join(L_op_lines) + "\n};") .split("\n")) return "\n".join(_indent(lines, indent)) def _function_lines(self, ops, indent=2): if self.time_symbol is None: return '' func_lines = [] tfunc_counter = 0 for op in ops: for coeff in _find_time_dependent_coeffs(op, self.time_symbol): if coeff in self._tfuncs: continue is_real = coeff.is_real if is_real: func_type = 'double' else: func_type = 'Complex' tfunc_counter += 1 func_name = "tfunc%d" % tfunc_counter # choose a variable name for the time-dependent coefficient u = "u%d" % tfunc_counter func_placeholder = u u_counter = 1 while func_placeholder in self.syms: func_placeholder = "%s_%d" % (u, u_counter) u_counter += 1 # remember that the _var_name for the time_symbol was set to # 't' in the __init__ routine func_lines.append("%s %s(double t)" % (func_type, func_name)) func_lines.append("{") func_lines.append(" "+func_type+" "+func_placeholder+";") func_lines.append(" "+self._scalar_str( coeff, assign_to=func_placeholder)) func_lines.append(" return "+func_placeholder+";") func_lines.append("}") func_lines.append("") self._tfuncs[coeff] = (func_name, func_placeholder, is_real) if len(func_lines) > 0: lines = ["", ] + func_lines + ["", ] for coeff in self._tfuncs: func_name, func_placeholder, is_real = self._tfuncs[coeff] if is_real: lines.append("RealFunction %s = %s;" % (func_placeholder, func_name)) else: lines.append("ComplexFunction %s = %s;" % (func_placeholder, func_name)) else: lines = [] return "\n".join(_indent(lines, indent))
def _find_time_dependent_coeffs(op, time_symbol): if isinstance(op, ScalarTimesOperator): if time_symbol in _scalar_free_symbols(op.coeff): yield op.coeff else: try: for operand in op.operands: for coeff in _find_time_dependent_coeffs(operand, time_symbol): yield coeff except AttributeError: # e.g. IdentityOperator has no attribute 'operands' pass def _full_expand(s): if s is None: return s return os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(s))
[docs]def expand_cmd(cmd): """Return a copy of the array `cmd`, where for each element of the `cmd` array, environment variables and '~' are expanded""" if isinstance(cmd, str): raise TypeError("cmd must be a list") cmd_expanded = [] for part in cmd: cmd_expanded.append(_full_expand(part)) return cmd_expanded
[docs]def compilation_worker(kwargs, _runner=None): """Worker to perform compilation, suitable e.g. for being run on an IPython cluster. All arguments are in the `kwargs` dictionary. Keys: executable (str): Name of the executable to be created. Nothing will be expanded. path (str): Path where the executable should be created, as absolute path or relative to the current working directory. Environment variables and '~' will be expanded. cc_code (str): Multiline string that contains the entire C++ program to be compiled keep_cc (bool): Keep C++ file after compilation? It will have the same name as the executable, with an added ``.cc`` file extension. cmd (list of str): Command line arguments (see `args` in `subprocess.check_output`). In each argument, environment variables are expanded, and '~' is expanded to ``$HOME``. It must meet the following requirements: * the compiler (first argument) must be in the ``$PATH`` * Invocation of the command must compile a C++ file with the name `executable`.cc in the current working directory to `exectuable`, also in the current working directoy. It must *not* take into account `path`. This is because the working directory for the subprocess handling the command invocation will be set to `path`. Thus, that is where the executable will be created. Returns: Absolute path of the compiled executable Raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError: if compilation fails OSError: if creating/removing files/folder fails """ # we import subprocess locally, to make the routine completely # self-contained. This is a requirement e.g. to be a worker on an IPython # cluster. To still allow testing, we have the undocumented _runner # parameter import subprocess as sp import os if _runner is None: _runner = sp.check_output executable = str(kwargs['executable']) path = _full_expand(str(kwargs['path'])) cc_code = str(kwargs['cc_code']) keep_cc = kwargs['keep_cc'] cmd = expand_cmd(kwargs['cmd']) cc_file = executable + '.cc' try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: # Ignore existing directory pass with open(os.path.join(path, cc_file), 'w') as out_fh: out_fh.write(cc_code) out_fh.write("\n") executable_abs = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, executable)) try: _runner(cmd, stderr=sp.STDOUT, cwd=path) finally: if not keep_cc: os.unlink(cc_file) if os.path.isfile(executable_abs) and os.access(executable_abs, os.X_OK): return executable_abs else: raise sp.CalledProcessError("Compilation did not create executable %s" % executable_abs)
[docs]def qsd_run_worker(kwargs, _runner=None): """Worker to perform run of a previously compiled program (see :func:`compilation_worker`), suitable e.g. for being run on an IPython cluster. All arguments are in the `kwargs` dictionary. Keys: executable (str): Name of the executable to be run. Nothing will be expanded. This should generally be only the name of the executable, but it can also be a path relative to ``kwargs['path']``, or a (fully expanded) absolute path, in which case ``kwargs['path']`` is ignored. path (str): Path where the executable can be found, as absolute path or relative to the current working directory. Environment variables and '~' will be expanded. seed (int): Seed (unsigned int) to be passed as argument to the executable operators(dict or OrderedDict of str to str)): Mapping of operator name to filename, see `operators` parameter of :meth:`~qnet.misc.trajectory_data.TrajectoryData.from_qsd_data` workdir (str or None): The working directory in which to execute the executable (relative to the current working directory). The output files defined in `operators` will be created in this folder. If None, a temporary directory will be used. If `workdir` does not exist yet, it will be created. keep (bool): If True, keep the QSD output files. If False, remove the output files as well as any parent folders that may have been created alongside with `workdir` Raises: FileNotFoundError: if `executable` does not exist in `path` Returns: Expectation values and variances of the observables, from the newly simulated trajectories only (instance of :obj:`~qnet.misc.trajectory_data.TrajectoryData`) """ # imports *must* be local so that we can send this to an IPython engine import subprocess as sp import os import shutil import tempfile from qnet.misc.trajectory_data import TrajectoryData if _runner is None: _runner = sp.check_output executable = str(kwargs['executable']) path = os.path.abspath(_full_expand(str(kwargs['path']))) seed = int(kwargs['seed']) operators = kwargs['operators'] workdir = _full_expand(kwargs['workdir']) if workdir is None: workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() keep = kwargs['keep'] delete_folder = None if not os.path.isdir(workdir): # If keep is True, we want to remove not only the QSD output files, but # also any folder that is newly created as part of workdir. Therefore, # before creating workdir, we walk up the path to find the topmost # nonexisting folder folder = os.path.abspath(workdir) while not os.path.isdir(folder): delete_folder = folder folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(folder, '..')) try: os.makedirs(workdir) except OSError: # This might happen sometimes when using multi-threading and # another thread has created the directory since the "isdir" check pass local_executable = _full_expand(os.path.join(path, executable)) is_exe = lambda f: os.path.isfile(f) and os.access(f, os.X_OK) if not is_exe(local_executable): raise FileNotFoundError("No executable "+local_executable) cmd = [local_executable, str(seed)] _runner(cmd, stderr=sp.STDOUT, cwd=workdir) traj = TrajectoryData.from_qsd_data(operators, seed, workdir=workdir) if not keep: for filename in operators.values(): os.unlink(os.path.join(workdir, filename)) if delete_folder is not None: shutil.rmtree(delete_folder, ignore_errors=True) return traj
[docs]def sanitize_name(name, allowed_letters, replacements): """Return a sanitized `name`, where all letters that occur as keys in `replacements` are replaced by their corresponding values, and any letters that do not match `allowed_letters` are dropped Arguments: name (str): string to be sanitized allowed_letters (regex): compiled regular expression that any allowed letter must match replacement (dict of str to str): dictionary of mappings Returns: str: sanitized name Example: >>> sanitize_filename = partial(sanitize_name, ... allowed_letters=re.compile(r'[.a-zA-Z0-9_-]'), ... replacements={'^':'_', '+':'_', '*':'_', ' ':'_'}) >>> sanitize_filename.__doc__ = "Sanitize name to be used as a filename" >>> sanitize_filename('\chi^{(1)}_1') 'chi_1_1' """ sanitized = '' for letter in name: if letter in replacements: letter = replacements[letter] if allowed_letters.match(letter): sanitized += letter return sanitized
def _indent(lines, indent=2): indented_lines = [] for line in lines: if len(line) > 0: indented_lines.append(" "*indent + line) else: indented_lines.append(line) return indented_lines def _cmd_list_to_str(cmd_list): result = '' for part in cmd_list: part = part.replace('"', '\\"') if " " in part: result += ' "%s"' % part else: result += ' %s' % part return result.strip() sanitize_filename = partial( sanitize_name, allowed_letters=re.compile(r'[.a-zA-Z0-9_-]'), replacements={'^': '_', '+': '_', '*': '_', ' ': '_'}) sanitize_filename.__doc__ = "Sanitize name to be used as a filename" sanitize_varname = partial( sanitize_name, allowed_letters=re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_]'), replacements={'^': '_', '+': '_', '*': '_', ' ': '_', '-': '_', '.': '_'}) sanitize_filename.__doc__ = "Sanitize name to be used as a C++ variable name"